Friday 20 April 2012

Chaos armour

Small Update to the growing band. 4 chaos predators and a warp palace scratch build.

Tzeentch Warp Palace

The dreaded Warp Palaces of Tzeentch resemble huge baroque fortresses or bastions mounted upon a colossal hovering disk. Fluctuating sparks of Warp energy flare out from the turrets and crenellations and the air crackles with the aura of magical energy. In this manner it resembles the more commomly encountered Silver Towers of Tzeentch, but does, in fact, dwarf even these feared engines of Chaos.

The Warp Palaces are constructed in a manner far beyond the comprehension of even the most learned of the Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-Priests. These floating monstrosities are known to appear above the battlefields of the 41st millennium drawing upon a raw power that is unimaginable to other machines and daemon engines.

Occasionlly the Warp Palace will sit motionless in the midst of its enemies, strafing ground targets with its various destructive forms of attack. At other times it will simply disappear with a sonic boom and a cascade of lightning bolts only to reappear again at the opposite flank of the battlefield in the blink of an eye. However, the Warp Palace is not just a nightmare union of metal and ferocious firepower. At the core of each Warp Palace lies the essence of a Changer of Ways - a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch.

(taken from citadel journal 16)

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